With Your Support, We Trained Almost 300 Professional Caregivers!
We train professional caregivers to care for people with dementia. Trainings are a 6-week commitment. Since January 2020, we’ve successfully graduated 273 professional caregivers (for example, home health aides). We’re proud of our graduates. And we’re grateful for your support, which makes these achievements possible:
- 273 individuals graduated training. Graduates attended training in Spanish (119), Chinese (84), and English (70).
- 95% satisfaction with training content and instructor.
- Our graduates are more confident in dementia caregiving. Pre- and post-training surveys revealed that our graduates’ confidence in dementia caregiving rose significantly from 3.8 to 4.4 on a 5-point scale.
- 98% of our graduates reported increased use of at least one skill.
For example, as a result of the training, our graduates now:
- approach a person with dementia slowly more often
- sit at eye level more often when providing care
- agree with what a person with dementia says, whether they are right or wrong
- use short sentences more often when speaking with a person with dementia
- use sounds, smells, and touch more often when engaging the person with dementia
- calm themselves more often in order to provide good care.
Every fall, we come together as a community in honor of everyone affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia: Caregivers. People with the disease. And people we’ve lost. This past year has been especially difficult for all of us. For families affected by Alzheimer’s, life has been even more challenging. That why it’s so important for us to come together at our Alzheimer’s Walks.
At the Walks, you will be able to honor a loved one at our Memory Wall by writing a message or attaching a photo. You will hear words of inspiration from fellow caregivers who know your struggle. And
you will see – in person – friends from past Walks who you weren’t able to see last year. We’ll even see some inspiring performances. After all, our Manhattan Walk will be at the Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park this year – and that calls for music!
This year is especially meaningful for the Patricof family, a CaringKind family who experienced their own loss this year. As a result, the Patricof family is making a special effort this year to help CaringKind reach our fundraising goals in support of families affected by Alzheimer’s and dementia. In recognition of this incredible generosity, you may see reference to the CaringKind Alzheimer’s Walk in memory of Susan Patricof.
To honor a loved one, please register for the Walk at caringkindnyc.org/walk.