Resources We Love

CaringKind wants you to know about other organizations doing great work for Alzheimer’s caregiving!
Voices of Alzheimer's

Voices of Alzheimer’s is a new advocacy organization created to advance the policy priorities of those living with cognitive illnesses and those most closely affected. We are uniquely led by those living with Alzheimer’s and care providers. We feel passionately that it is time that people living with Alzheimer’s and everyone affected by the condition have a voice. Our primary focus is to draw attention to the unmet medical needs of people with Alzheimer’s – especially to ensuring the FDA and CMS get meritorious products approved quickly and into the hands of patients without delay.

More information about becoming a member can be found at

FAIR Health

FAIR Health helps you understand and plan for your healthcare costs and health coverage. It is an independent, national nonprofit trusted for providing fair and neutral information to all, including consumers like you. You can use FAIR Health’s helpful tools and resources for older adults, including Shared Decision-Making tools, total treatment cost estimates for Alzheimer’s Disease, checklists and more.

Find these tools at

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