Caregiver Highlight: Meet Joan
My name is Joan and my dad has vascular dementia as a result of surviving sudden cardiac arrest in 2010. My mom took on the burden of caring for my dad for many years and it began to take a toll on her health. As time progressed, it became increasingly challenging to care for him.
But, there was a bright spot. Throughout our journey, CaringKind was there for us. They listened patiently, connected us to helpful resources, and provided useful information so that we could better care for my dad. They also assisted in getting him accepted into an adult daycare program. This provided much needed respite for my mom. Soon after, we were able to hire a home health aide to provide more support. And, whenever my dad wandered from the house, CaringKind was on the phone to follow up and guide us through the next steps. Eventually, our family decided it was time to consider nursing home placement. This proved difficult to do, and once again we turned to CaringKind. They helped advocate for my dad and when the opportunity arose, we were able to place him in a nursing home about 40 minutes from where we live.
I cannot begin to express how grateful I am to CaringKind for everything they have done for our family. It is a rare thing today to have strangers who willingly come beside you and pour out compassion in action. We love this wonderful organization and are beyond grateful for all that they do to help caregivers and their loved ones.Thank you CaringKind for everything. As you have supported us, we will continue to support you.