Breaking the News About an Alzheimer’s Diagnosis

Jed A. Levine President & CEO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The doctor has just confirmed your worst fear. Your mother has Alzheimer’s.  While the sense of shock is stinging, you knew something was wrong. She had become forgetful. You found her shoe in the freezer and five cartons of milk in the kitchen cabinet. She calls the toaster the “bread-heater.” She fluctuates from being combative and apathetic. And, her driving has become erratic. Th [...]

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Jed A. Levine appointed President & CEO of CaringKind

Jed A. Levine has been appointed the new President and CEO of CaringKind [], NYC’s leading expert in Alzheimer’s and dementia care for more than three decades.  In making the announcement, CaringKind also announced the retirement of Lou-Ellen Barkan who was at the helm of the organization for more than 14 years. Levine has been with CaringKind since 1990 and served most recently as Executive Vice President with responsibility for all programs and services. Forme [...]

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Communicating with someone who has Alzheimer's or dementia

Let's face it, communicating with someone who has Alzheimer's or dementia is tough, particularly as the disease progresses and as changes in the brain make it difficult for the person to speak and understand even the simplest of words or ideas. When I was caring for my mother, communication problems caused us both confusion and stress. But, once I mastered a few basic guidelines, our time together was less frustrating and more enjoyable for both of us. Read full article [https://www.caringkindn [...]

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Caregiver Highlight: Meet Joan

Donate Today! [] My name is Joan and my dad has vascular dementia as a result of surviving sudden cardiac arrest in 2010. My mom took on the burden of caring for my dad for many years and it began to take a toll on her health. As time progressed, it became increasingly challenging to care for him. But, there was a bright spot. Throughout our journey, CaringKind was there for us. They listened patiently, connected us to helpful resources, and provided useful in [...]

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Bill Gates’ Alzheimer’s Funding: A Missed Opportunity

Originally posted on Huffington Post [] . Support Our Cause [] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bill Gates’ recent $50 million investment in dementia research is certainly cause for optimism. His interest in the disease, inspired by a personal connection to Alzheimer’s and his extraordinary commitm [...]

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