Alzheimer’s Caregiving Tips: Wandering

Many people with Alzheimer’s disease wander away from their home or caregiver. As the caregiver, you need to know how to limit wandering and prevent the person from becoming lost. This will help keep the person safe and give you greater peace of mind. First Steps Try to follow these steps before the person with Alzheimer’s disease wanders: * Make sure the person carries some kind of ID or wears a medical bracelet. If the person gets lost and can’t communicate clearly, an ID will let others [...]

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Caring for a Person with Memory Loss

We know that caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or dementia can be overwhelming at times. Remember, we are here for you throughout your caregiving journey. Our Dementia Specialists also provide education, consultation and coaching services to help equip you for your caregiving experience. You can reach a Dementia Specialist by contacting the Helpline via phone (646) 744-2900, our online form or by email: Important Documents Health care proxy, durable power of attorney [...]

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Treatment & Medications

Treatment Science is currently working towards better treatments for the different types of dementia, but at the present time prevention or a cure remains elusive. There are, however, medications available that are prescribed to treat the symptoms of early dementia including memory loss, confusion and disorientation. Some people are helped by taking these medications while others are not. It’s important that you talk with your doctor about the benefits and possible side effects before you make t [...]

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Legal & Financial Planning

Now that you’ve received a diagnosis, you should start thinking about planning for the future if you haven’t already. Taking the time to make decisions about matters that will affect your health care and your finances when you can no longer manage them is one of the most important steps you can take for yourself and your family. There are a number of legal and financial documents that will help you formalize your plans and wishes such as: Durable Power of Attorney In this document you appoint [...]

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Changes In Communication Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia will gradually affect how you communicate with people. Changes in your ability to communicate will be unique to you, so there is no way of knowing in advance what those specific changes might be. We do know, however, that when you have early dementia it generally takes longer for your brain to process what’s being said to you. Some of the other ways that communication may be affected are: * Needing more time to decide how [...]

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