Training | Fall 2016 Newsletter

The Value of Training Amy TorresDirector of Training -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Family members, friends, and professional caregivers who regularly interact with a person diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia understand how complex and multifaceted the condition can be. Most caregivers may be at a loss on how to best communicate and interact with that person to preserve their existing relationship or create new connections. CaringKind’s trai [...]

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Connect2culture | Fall 2016 Newsletter

Supporting Cognitive and Emotional Health Through the Arts Meredith WongManager of connect2culture® -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect2culture® at CaringKind seeks to enrich the lives of people living with dementia and their caregivers through the arts. Funded by the New York State Department of Health Alzheimer's Disease Community Assistance Program, connect2culture supports cultural and educational institutions that are already giving peop [...]

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Support Groups | Fall 2016 Newsletter

How Support Groups Can Help Abby NathansonDirector of Support Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s common to feel alone when caring for someone with dementia and to worry that you’re the only one feeling this overwhelmed, or this angry, sad, scared and drained. It’s normal to worry you’re not doing a good enough job, or feel guilty for doing too much or too little. Often, we’re angry at how much the situation is demanding of us. It can fee [...]

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CaringKind Golf Outing | Fall 2016 Newsletter

2016 CaringKind Golf Outing From left: Dr. Ken Kahaner; Nathan Halegua, CaringKind Board member and Golf Outing Committee Chair; Ron Duguay, former NHL All-Star and Emmy Award-winning Broadcast Analyst; Dr. Alan Schechter; Stepehen Beyer On Monday, July 25, CaringKind held our 5th Annual Golf Outing, sponsored by GCP Capital, LLC, at the Glen Head Country Club on Long Island. The event was a huge success, raising over $168,000! As our 21 foursomes hit the course, they found Ron Duguay, Emmy Aw [...]

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Junior Committee | Fall 2016 Newsletter

Junior Committee Gala and Allocation By Laurel Crosby Junior Committee President The Junior Committee (JC) is a network of young professionals who support and engage each other and the larger Alzheimer’s community, advocate for legislation, and raise funds to finance research and programs. As the 2016 President of the Junior Committee, it’s an honor to lead a dedicated group of young men and women - most of whom are impacted by an Alzheimer’s diagnosis - and champion their efforts to make [...]

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