2018 Year End Campaign | Fall 2018 Newsletter

Technology has made life easier and more efficient for New Yorkers in many ways. As CaringKind’s new President and CEO, with more than thirty years of experience providing dementia care, I know that there is one job that requires the human touch: dementia caregiving. While we are proud of our investments in technology, we know that every individual and family affected by a dementia diagnosis has unique challenges that require personal attention. My team is committed to providing world class pro [...]

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CaringKind Alzheimer’s Walk | Fall 2018 Newsletter

The CaringKind Alzheimer’s Walks brought nearly two thousand New Yorkers together in Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island, all with the mission to support care, advocacy and research. Throughout the city, walkers raised their ribbons and their voices to give care. Sporting our bright orange color, our walkers joined together to honor and remember those affected by Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis, while also highlighting and celebrating the sacrifices and efforts of caregivers through [...]

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Athletes to End Alzheimer’s | Fall 2018 Newsletter

TCS New York Marathon On November 4, 2018, over 50,000 people gathered in Staten Island to run 26.2 miles.  Forty of those runners were members of CaringKind’s Team Athletes to End Alzheimer’s®. Some came from as far as Texas, Florida, and Washington State to run with us and raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s disease and CaringKind. Every member of the team had a personal connection to dementia. Our youngest team member was a 19-year-old whose parent is living with Alzheimer’s Disease. A [...]

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Support Groups at CaringKind | Fall 2018 Newsletter

Page Topics: * Support Group Basics * The Benefits of Sharing * Bereavement * What Support Groups Mean to Me by Elizabeth Mainiero * FAQ Support Group Basics Being a caregiver for someone with dementia can be a daily challenge. The uncertainties of the disease, coupled with the emotional and logistical tasks of taking care of someone with dementia, can be exhausting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The support group is a welcome refug [...]

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Annual Meeting Recap | Fall 2018 Newsletter

by James Campbell Few would disagree that a delicious, wholesome meal and a good night’s sleep are some of life’s great pleasures. But what other benefits, aside from a full belly and an energized morning might they provide? Eat, Sleep and Be Merry: What We Know About Brain Health, CaringKind’s 31st annual research meeting hosted at TheTimesCenter in New York on October 22, provided a rare look into the ways that sleep and diet affect brain health. CaringKind Founding Director Lou-Ellen Bark [...]

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Trusted Information, Referrals and Support. Reliable information from Dementia experts.


Essential Information for the Caregiving Journey.


Protecting New York Families Affected by Dementia.


Facilitated by trained leaders, and meeting in person; with over 14,000 Contact Hours, Facilitated by Trained and Supervised Leaders