Planning Giving | Spring 2018 Newsletter

Planning Today for Tomorrow Donate Today [] When CaringKind expanded to the third floor in March 2013 to build our Program Center for Education, Training, and the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Early Stage Center, we were able to do so because of the generosity of individuals who had planned ahead and left us in their estate plans. The bequests that we receive are from grateful clients who wish to give back in appreciation for the support and help they receive d [...]

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Honor A Hero In Your Life

Donate Today [] Dear Friends of CaringKind, In 2018 CaringKind celebrates the “Year of the Hero”. **As an important member of our community, I invite you to remember and recognize the heroes who have faced the challenge of caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia**. As a former caregiver, I know these financial, emotional, social and physical challenges well. But it wasn’t until I took on the role caring for my mother, [...]

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Dental Care | Spring 2018 Newsletter

Addressing the Modern Patient’s Dental Dilemma with an Old Fashioned Solution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [http://www.HouseCallDentists.Com]The iconic doctor’s black bag ­— stuffed full of instruments and cures, it calls to mind an era when medicine literally packed its bags to meet the needs of its most frail patients where they need it the most: at home. Until the 1950’s, nearly half of all doctor-patient visits occurred in the home. Acce [...]

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MedicAlert® NYC Wanderers Safety Program | 2018 Spring Newsletter

Partnership with the New York City Police Department Elizabeth Bravo Santiago, Director of Wanderer's Safety Program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beginning in 1993, the MedicAlert® NYC Wanderer’s Safety Program has had the privilege of working with some of the most dedicated and committed police officers and detectives in the New York City Police Department. Together, we’ve made an enormously positive impact on the lives of people with Alzhei [...]

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Outreach | Spring 2018 Newsletter

Partnering with Faith-based Organizations Proves Successful Weijing Shi, Manager of Chinese Outreach Paula Rice, Manager of African American Outreach -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Pastor, my dad has been acting strange lately. He is very forgetful and gives all of his money away to anyone whom he feels needs it. He refuses any assistance and gets angry when I try to give him advice. He insists he does not have a problem and that he is just [...]

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