Connect2culture®| Spring 2018 Newsletter

Bringing Communities Together Through Partnerships Meredith Wong, Manager of Connect2culture® -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are there programs in my community that my dad and I can enjoy together?” “How can I find activities that are fun for Mom when her responses are unpredictable?” These questions may sound familiar to a caregiver. Looking for ways to keep Mom or Dad meaningfully engaged while a caregiver gets things done around the house o [...]

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Helpline | Spring 2018 Newsletter

The Importance of Diagnostic Centers Stephanie Aragon Director of Helpline -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The 24-hour Helpline is the heart of CaringKind’s programs and services. It provides trained specialists who offer information, referrals and support to family members, professional caregivers, and people diagnosed with dementia. The Helpline works closely with CaringKind’s Outreach Program. The Outreach Managers build and maintain relati [...]

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Education | Spring 2018 Newsletter

CaringKind’s Education Village Marilucy Lopes Director of Education & Outreach -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At CaringKind we often stress that one person can’t do it alone when it comes to dementia and Alzheimer’s caregiving. We at CaringKind are no exception. Together, staff with varying expertise and community partners, make up a “dementia village” built to be a caregiver’s haven for support. This haven includes opportunities to learn in s [...]

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From the Program Director | Spring 2018 Newsletter

Jed A. Levine Executive Vice President, Director of Programs & Services -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Readers, We say that to raise a child, “it takes a village.” And this is no less true when caring for someone with a progressive, long term illness. But today, this is more challenging than ever. Families are smaller and more mobile than in previous generations and family members may live far from siblings and parents. Typically, this l [...]

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President’s Message | Spring 2018 Newsletter

Lou-Ellen Barkan President & CEO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends,In the aftermath of the release of Hillary Clinton’s 1996 book, It Takes a Village, cultural scholars debated the origins of the proverb from which the title is derived: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Was it Swahili? Native American? To this day, no one knows for sure. But this much, I do know: regardless of its source, this important concept resonates deepl [...]

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Trusted Information, Referrals and Support. Reliable information from Dementia experts.


Essential Information for the Caregiving Journey.


Protecting New York Families Affected by Dementia.


Facilitated by trained leaders, and meeting in person; with over 14,000 Contact Hours, Facilitated by Trained and Supervised Leaders