Development Update | Winter 2018 Newsletter

Carol Berne Senior Vice President of Development -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As 2018 moves along, we are gratified to confirm that our Year-End Campaign has raised over $810,000, a 22 percent increase over 2017. We have received generous gifts from over 800 grateful clients, friends and supporters. These gifts, both large and small, help to ensure that we have the financial resources to provide information, resources and support, 24-hours a [...]

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Hearing Loss | Winter 2018 Newsletter

Hearing Loss Is Not Good For The Brain Barbara E. Weinstein, PH.D. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In light of the growing emphasis on healthy lifestyles and scientific, medical and technological advances, people are living longer. The increase in life expectancy is accompanied by a rise in the prevalence of several major public health issues which impact quality of life and health care costs substantially: age related hearing loss and dementia. [...]

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Diet | Winter 2018 Newsletter

Diet and Alzheimer’s Disease Lawrence S. Honig, M.D., PH.D., FAAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone hopes that they can do something to prevent the development of dementia — and the most common dementia is due to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The biggest risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease are genetics and age. You can’t change your genetics and of course living to older age is something most wish for, but unfortunately comes with this incre [...]

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Brain Injury | Winter 2018 Newsletter

2017 Brings Major Progress in Diagnosing Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) During Life Sam Gandy, M.D., PH.D. Mount Sinai Professor of Alzheimer’s Disease Research, Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry, and Associate Director of the Mount Sinai Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center in New York City. Dr. Gandy is an international expert in the metabolism of the sticky substance called amyloid that clogs the brain in patients with Alzheimer’s. ---------------------------------------------- [...]

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Connect2culture®| Winter 2018 Newsletter

The Caregiver and the Creative Spirit Meredith Wong, Manager of Connect2culture® -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some who think the term creative doesn’t apply to them because it may be understood only in the context of artists. However, if we think about creativity in terms of expression and communication, it’s a word that is relevant to everyone. The many ways in which we can communicate through and with expression is what makes us a [...]

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Protecting New York Families Affected by Dementia.


Facilitated by trained leaders, and meeting in person; with over 14,000 Contact Hours, Facilitated by Trained and Supervised Leaders