2017 Golf Outing | Fall 2017 Newsletter

CaringKind’s 6th Annual Golf Outing On Monday, July 31, CaringKind held our 6th Annual Golf Outing at Glen Head Country Club on Long Island. As always, the outing proved to be a huge success, as we raised over $160,000! Our 2017 event sponsor, GCP Capital, LLC, has generously sponsored the outing for the last few years. The day’s weather was the best we have had yet, and golfers played for the entirety of the day. The outing sold out, with 22 foursomes taking the course, including Dr. Max Gomez, [...]

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Planned Giving | Fall 2017 Newsletter

Planning Today for Tomorrow When CaringKind expanded to the third floor in March 2013 to build our Program Center for Education, Training, and The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Early Stage Center, we were able to do so because of the generosity of individuals who had planned ahead and left us in their estate plans. The bequests that we receive are from grateful clients who wish to give back in appreciation for the support and help they receive during the very difficult journey of caring for, or kn [...]

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Development Update | Fall 2017 Newsletter

Carol Berne Senior Vice President of Development -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some time ago, I was asked, “Even when a caregiver is no longer caring for someone, do they still see themselves, and describe themselves, as a caregiver?” I found this question compelling and thought-provoking. How do caregivers see themselves? A caregiver is defined as an individual who assumes responsibility for the physical and emotional needs of another person [...]

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Interview with Ron Duguay | Fall 2017 Newsletter

Ron Duguay on Caregiving Lou-Ellen Barkan (LEB): Ron, thanks so much for talking with us about the challenges facing your family when they were taking care of your mom and dad. When did they first realize something was wrong? Ron Duguay (RD): Mom was so protective of dad that she allowed almost two years to pass without saying much of anything to us. She tolerated his forgetting, his talking of the past and the other odd things he said and did. Two years into this, my sister got a call. Mom sai [...]

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