Support Groups | Fall 2017 Newsletter

Are Support Groups for People Like Me? Abby Nathanson Director of Support Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At CaringKind, we think support groups are great. We know how they help caregivers who feel isolated, overwhelmed and wrung out. We hear over and over from people who wish they’d joined years sooner, and wonder why they waited so long. The truth is, most people wait too long to ask for help. Most people bear the experience for months [...]

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Community Partners | Fall 2017 Newsletter

Working with LGBT Caregivers Teresa Theophano Assistant Director of Care Management Services, SAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel, a 66-year-old Latina lesbian, has been caring for her 96-year-old mother — who has a dementia diagnosis, and with whom she lives — for the last five years. Trudy is 78 years old and caring for her Alzheimer’s-affected partner Louisa; they have been together for nearly 35 years. Kevin, age 60, cares for his f [...]

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Social Work Services | Fall 2017 Newsletter

Caregiving and Immigration Anne M. Foerg Director of Social Work Ana Araujo Manager of Social Work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dementia knows no racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, or geographic border. Black or white, young or old, rich or poor, city, suburb or rural-dwelling — dementia does not discriminate against those who suffer from this condition or those who care for them. Yet, each person’s unique history, characteristics, and circumst [...]

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Education | Fall 2017 Newsletter

The Face of Caregiving and Education Marilucy Lopes Director of Education & Outreach -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Educational seminars at CaringKind provide caregivers with the opportunity to develop their understanding of what it really means to be a caregiver or, more specifically, an Alzheimer’s or dementia caregiver. Those who attend our seminars, report gaining a better sense of what to expect as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia changes [...]

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Early Stage | Fall 2017 Newsletter

Learning To Be “Good Enough”: MemoryWorks® at CaringKind By Maria Mursch, LMSW former Manager of the Early Stage Center Geri Taylor, RN, MPH Early Stage Center participant -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Early Stage Center at CaringKind in New York City was designed to meet the needs of people who have been diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment, early Alzheimer’s disease, or a related dementia. The Early Stag [...]

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