Dear Helpline | Fall 2017 Newsletter

> Dear Helpline,My name is Jack, and I am a 30-year old man living in NYC. My 55-year old mother lives alone, although not far from my home, and was recently diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. Life is very hectic right now, as I am expecting my first child to be born soon. Not only am I worried for my mother but now I am worried about myself. What can I do to help slow the progression of my mother’s disease so she can enjoy as much time with her first grandchild? And, are there any [...]

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In The News | Fall 2017 Newsletter

CaringKind made it “official” this summer by publicly declaring August to be NYC Alzheimer’s Caregiver Month! With the support of NYC Councilwoman Margaret Chin and Caryn Resnick, the Deputy Commissioner at New York City Department for the Aging, dozens of members of the NYC Alzheimer’s community gathered on the steps of City Hall in a show of support for more than 250,000 caregivers in NYC. The City Hall kick-off event was covered by New York Nonprofit Media and WMBC-TV, as well as Chinese-lang [...]

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From the Program Director | Fall 2017 Newsletter

Jed A. Levine Executive Vice President, Director of Programs & Services -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Readers, The face of caregiving is sitting next to you on the subway, waiting on your table at the diner, making your latte at Starbucks and cleaning your office at 10 pm. The face of caregiving works in a City Council member’s office, cleans your teeth at the dentist, preaches the gospel on Sunday in churches, and welcomes the Sabbath [...]

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President’s Message | Fall 2017 Newsletter

Lou-Ellen Barkan President & CEO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends,In 1982, 11-year-old Jeremy Abbate’s mom told him not to be surprised if Grandpa didn’t remember his name. She was hopeful, she told her son, that scientists would find a treatment for Alzheimer’s soon. Fast forward 35 years and Mr. Abbate, now Publisher and Vice President of Scientific American magazine, is saying the same things to his kids. In a compelling essay, [...]

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Fall 2017 Newsletter

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