Development Update | Summer 2017 Newsletter

By Carol Berne, Senior Vice President of Development -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are now in our second year as CaringKind, and we are busier than ever. The numbers of clients in all program areas and Helpline callers continue to grow, showing us that the CaringKind name is reaching those who need us most. The importance of our work was recently reinforced in a major study conducted by The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which found th [...]

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Clinical Trials | Summer 2017 Newsletter

A Purpose By Grace McElroy Head of Partnerships & Distribution, Antidote -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s April 25, 2017, and I have the opportunity to participate in CaringKind’s First Annual Technology Fair. The fair took place at CaringKind’s office in Manhattan. Caregivers attended the event to explore new technologies that showcase the benefits and the promise of patient engagement technology.My display is simple — a table featuring s [...]

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Audiology Conference | Summer 2017 Newsletter

Hearing Loss, Dementia and Healthy Aging: Audiologist as Gatekeeper? By Carolyn Ginsburg Stern Manager, Center for Hearing and Aging, Center for Hearing and Communication -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two out of three people over the age of 75 have hearing loss and one in ten over the age of 65 has Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. Research shows that untreated hearing loss in the elderly is associated with increased cognitive decline. Prof [...]

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Education | Summer 2017 Newsletter

### Education in Person vs. Online **By Marilucy Lopes, Manager of Education** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The telephone number of your favorite take-out restaurant. Your doctor’s office address. Tomorrow’s weather. All this information can be found on the internet. Obtaining this information is quick, convenient, and (often quite literally) in the palm of your hands if you own a smartphone. Information about dementia and Alzheimer’s disease [...]

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Bang & Olufsen Partnership | Summer 2017 Newsletter

Caring Through Music: A New Short Film by CaringKind and Bang & Olufsen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Caring Through Music documents the transformative power of music, and documents how relatives and caregivers use music to spark memories for people with Alzheimer’s.Caring Through Music, a short film by CaringKind, New York City’s leading expert on Alzheimer’s and dementia caregiving, with the support of B&O PLAY, a unit of audio company Bang [...]

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