Support Groups | Summer 2017 Newsletter

The Beautiful Stuff, Too By Abby Nathanson, Director of Support Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### They’re totally free. “When I go on vacation, my brain just shuts off, I don’t think about my mom or the dementia at all,” a member of my support group recently said. She was trying to convince another group member to take a vacation, as he hadn’t been away in several years and the stress was taking its toll on his wellbeing. She was conce [...]

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Together We Care | Summer 2017 Newsletter

### Connecting Professional Caregivers to the Families Who Need Them **By Amy Torres, Director of Training** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most individuals that receive a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, at some point, will require the assistance of a professional caregiver at home. Friends and family members supporting someone with cognitive impairment may feel overwhelmed at the thought of having to hire and introduce someone ne [...]

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Social Work Services | Summer 2017 Newsletter

The Power of One-On-One Human Interaction By Anne M. Foerg, Director of Social Work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tom was a proactive caregiver to his wife, Lynette, who had been diagnosed in the early stage of Alzheimer’s disease in late 2015. Several months after retiring from her job as a bookkeeper, Lynette noticed that she was having trouble managing the couple’s checkbook as she always had. She also had difficulty keeping track of the p [...]

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Wanderer's Safety Program | Summer 2017 Newsletter

### Low-Tech Identification Bracelet Saves Lives **By Elizabeth Bravo Santiago, Director of Wanderer's Safety Program** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It’s a fact that six out of ten people with dementia will wander at some point during the disease. A person with Alzheimer’s or dementia may not remember his or her name or address and can easily become disoriented in familiar places. Although it may seem that a person is just wandering around aim [...]

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Dear Helpline | Summer 2017 Newsletter

By Stephanie Aragon, Director of Helpline -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I took over caregiving responsibilities for my father eight months ago. I visit your website a few times a month to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease and how to care for my dad. I recently switched jobs and now will frequently travel between Chicago and New York. How can I continue to manage my father’s care when I am out of town? — Howard"Dear Howard, Long distance [...]

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