Together We Care™ | Spring 2017 Newsletter

### Claire Finds Help at Home Through Together We Care™ - Step 9 **By Amy Torres, Director of Training** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After taking the Family Caregiver Workshop, Claire realized the value of training and how much the information positively influenced her relationship with her husband George. She felt more secure stepping into his world and validating his experience. She found that she could connect with George and establish a [...]

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Support Groups | Spring 2017 Newsletter

Claire Joins a Support Group - Step 8 By Abby Nathanson, Director of Support Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It was amazing to talk to other caregivers in the Family Caregiver Workshop,” Claire said to the Helpline specialist. “George’s disease came on so slowly, I didn’t realize how lonely and overwhelming it had gotten for me.” She had called the Helpline, looking for information about support groups. She had gotten a taste of what it [...]

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Training | Spring 2017 Newsletter

### Claire Participates in a Family Caregiver Workshop - Step 7 **By Amy Torres, Director of Training** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While connecting with our Social Work Services department to craft a plan of care for George, the social worker discussed the possibility of Claire attending Caringkind’s Family Caregiver Workshop. This ten-hour workshop is facilitated in four sessions and meets once a week in two and a half hour increments. It p [...]

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Social Work Services | Spring 2017 Newsletter

Social Work Services Assist Claire - Step 6 By Anne M. Foerg, Director of Social Work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After George was found safe at a local hospital, the Wanderer’s Safety Program referred Claire to speak with a member of the social work team. Claire needed support following this traumatic experience and guidance as to what could be done to prevent it from happening again. When our social worker connected with Claire, she share [...]

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Wanderer's Safety Program | Spring 2017 Newsletter

### George is Enrolled in the MedicAlert® NYC Wanderer's Safety Program - Step 5 **By Elizabeth Bravo Santiago, Director of Wanderer's Safety Program** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On December 19 at 5:30 a.m., MedicAlert® received a call from the New York City Police Department Missing Persons Unit. A man by the name of George was missing from his Brooklyn home. His wife, Claire, had notified authorities that his wallet with identification was [...]

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