connect2culture® | Spring 2017 Newsletter

### George and Claire Attend a connect2culture Program - Step 4 **By Meredith Wong, Manager of connect2culture®** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we’re involved in the activities that make us happy and give us purpose, we are motivated to stay engaged with the world around us. However, when dementia affects a family member, these fun experiences are often put on the back burner, being replaced by doctor’s appointments, caregiving issues, and [...]

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Early Stage Center | Spring 2017 Newsletter

George and Claire Discover the Early Stage Center - Step 3 By Lauren Volkmer, Director of Early Stage Center The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Early Stage Center is a place where people with early stage dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) come on a weekly basis for groups that provide support, cognitive stimulation, and socialization. Participants are all aware of their memory loss and are seeking to connect with others who are “in the same boat.” Those connections are what make up the un [...]

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Education | Spring 2017 Newsletter

### Claire Attends an Education Seminar - Step 2 **By Marilucy Lopes, Manager of Education** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I hope this will be helpful,” Claire thought to herself. She had just registered for the Understanding Dementia Seminar with the assistance of a Helpline Specialist. Claire knew something didn’t feel right about her husband, George, and after he was diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Claire felt like she needed [...]

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Dear Helpline | Spring 2017 Newsletter

By Stephanie Aragon, Director of Helpline -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >"My husband, George, a retired mail carrier, just turned 75 years old. Both my children and two granddaughters have noticed that he is having issues with his memory. For example, my granddaughter recently got married and my husband misplaced the speech that he had written. My son had to speak on his behalf. George also forgot our anniversary this year, which was devastat [...]

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CaringKind In The News | Spring 2017 Newsletter

Earlier this year, CaringKind announced the successful implementation of a new palliative care initiative for people with advanced dementia in three New York City nursing homes — Cobble Hill Health Center, Isabella Geriatric Center and The New Jewish Home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Called Comfort Matters®, it was developed by Beatitudes Campus in Phoenix, Arizona and brought to New York by CaringKind which found funding for the project a [...]

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