Planned Giving | Winter 2017 Newsletter

Planning Today for Tomorrow When CaringKind expanded to the third floor in March 2013 to build our Program Center for Education, Training, and The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Early Stage Center, we were able to do so because of the generosity of individuals who had planned ahead and left us in their estate plans. The bequests that we receive are from grateful clients who wish to give back in appreciation for the support and help they receive during the very difficult journey of caring for, or kn [...]

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Development Update | Winter 2017 Newsletter

By Carol Berne, Senior Vice President of Development -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I was asked to write the column on “Know Your Charity,” what first came to mind was Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet and Juliet’s quote, “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” The implication is that names do not affect what they really are.But, in fundraising a name means everything. And what that name rep [...]

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Support Groups | Winter 2017 Newsletter

Eight Ways Our Support Group Program is Unique By Abby Nathanson, Director of Support Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### They’re totally free. We run 2,300 support group sessions a year, in person across the five boroughs for all New Yorkers, and never charge anyone a dime for it.You’re connecting with other dementia caregivers, people who get what you’re going through. Our groups are for people who understand exactly what it means to b [...]

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Social Work Services | Winter 2017 Newsletter

As Unique as the City We Serve By Anne M. Foerg, Director of Social Work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is not uncommon to hear people say that they never truly understood what social workers do until they needed the assistance of one. While society recognizes social workers as people who “help,” it is their approach in doing so that is unique in relation to other “helping” professionals. A social worker is trained to see a person or a fami [...]

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Early Stage Center | Winter 2017 Newsletter

A Week in the Life of the Early Stage Center By Lauren Volkmer, Director of Early Stage Center The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Early Stage Center is a place where people with early stage dementia or Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) come on a weekly basis for groups that provide support, cognitive stimulation, and socialization. Participants are all aware of their memory loss and are seeking to connect with others who are “in the same boat.” Those connections are what make up the unique fabric of [...]

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Trusted Information, Referrals and Support. Reliable information from Dementia experts.


Essential Information for the Caregiving Journey.


Protecting New York Families Affected by Dementia.


Facilitated by trained leaders, and meeting in person; with over 14,000 Contact Hours, Facilitated by Trained and Supervised Leaders