Caregiver's Corner | Spring 2016 Newsletter

A Caregiver's Journey By Suzanne Campbell It is commonly said that Alzheimer’s disease affects different people differently; so if you know one person with Alzheimer’s, you know just one person with Alzheimer’s disease. Based on my own experience as a caregiver, I can attest to the accuracy of this statement. Sadly, the truth of it only adds to the complexity of living with this disease. While there are certainly some manifestations of the disease that are similar, each individual’s specific co [...]

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Social Work Services | Spring 2016 Newsletter

Confusing, complicated, exhausting, infuriating, isolating, and life-changing — just a few of the words that describe the experience of suffering from dementia, as well as the experience of caring for a person with the condition. Despite the commonalities, each individual’s experience is unique, with the potential to be as varied as the lives of each person who comprises the mélange that is New York City’s eight-plus million residents. So what do you do when... Your wife has just been diagnosed [...]

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Dear Helpline | Spring 2016 Newsletter

Dear Helpline, > I recently read about your name change and disaffiliation from the National Alzheimer's Association. I am a bit concerned and hope you can explain how this will affect those of us who depend on your organization for assistance and education. I attend a support group at the office at 360 Lexington Avenue, which I find extremely helpful. Will you be moving your office or changing your programs? Rest assured that only our name has changed. Our mission to focus on care and suppo [...]

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CaringKind in the News | Spring 2016 Newsletter

The decision to separate from National and return to our roots as a stand-alone, independent charity was a momentous event in our 30-year history. It was also a big newsmaker. As the first Chapter (of now six) to announce disaffiliation from the Chicago-based National organization, we were the subject of an exclusive Wall Street Journal story that explained in detail the important programmatic and financial reasons for the split. The article read, in part, “Leaders of the New York City Chapter [...]

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Announcing Our New Brand | Spring 2016 Newsletter

New York City Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association Breaks Away from National to Return to our Roots as an Independent, Stand-Alone Charity Called CaringKind, The Heart of Alzheimer's Caregiving. On December 1, the New York City Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association announced our separation from the National Alzheimer’s Association, based in Chicago, to return to our roots as a stand-alone, independent charity. The nation’s leading experts in Alzheimer’s care, education and support can still [...]

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Protecting New York Families Affected by Dementia.


Facilitated by trained leaders, and meeting in person; with over 14,000 Contact Hours, Facilitated by Trained and Supervised Leaders