CaringKind Welcomes Our New Board Members | 2020 Newsletter - Vol. 1

CaringKind is delighted to welcome these passionate and dedicated individuals to our Board of Directors. Rachel Berk is a Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory Senior Manager in Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP. She has over fifteen years of experience providing forensic accounting, financial analysis, due diligence, and compliance services to law firms, boards of directors, and corporate clients.  She is a certified public accountant, certified fraud examiner, certified insolvency and res [...]

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Development Update | 2020 Newsletter - Vol. 1

Your Gift Sustains Us Carol Berne Senior Vice President of Development -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I think of CaringKind and our achievements through the years, I am inspired by the thousands of the donors who lend support to ensure that we continue to be New York City’s leading resource in dementia care. Gifts, large and small, come from individuals, foundations, and corporations. With more than 95% of our operating budget driven by p [...]

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Athletes To End Alzheimer’s® | 2020 Newletter - Vol. 1

TD Five Boro Bike Tour May 3, 2020 Join 32,000 cyclists all riding on car-free streets throughout all five boros of New York City! It’s not a race, it’s a ride of a lifetime! CaringKind has just a few entries remaining for this incredible event. And, with a fundraising minimum of just $1,000, the TD Five Boro Bike Tour is our most accessible event! Each rider gets: * A graphic CaringKind athletic tech tee to wear while training. * A special bike jersey for the Tour. * The satisfaction of s [...]

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Research | 2020 Newsletter - Vol. 1

By Kate Radcliffe Research Coordinator, Division of Geriatric Medicine & Palliative Care Department of Medicine, NYU Langone Health, and the NYU ELM Team -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A clinical trial is a research study where investigators try new strategies or medications on groups of people to see if they are effective. Some participants receive the new strategy or medication while others receive an inactive or “placebo” pill or neutral [...]

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Highlights from A Brooklyn Social Work Case | 2020 Newsletter - Vol. 1

Adina Segal Jewish Community Outreach Social Worker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Susan was referred to CaringKind by a social worker, at Sephardic Bikur Holim in Brooklyn, for help with her parents. Her father had been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and her mother had a number of medical issues, including visual impairment. Susan needed guidance on how to persuade her parents to stop driving and to get a home health aide to as [...]

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Trusted Information, Referrals and Support. Reliable information from Dementia experts.


Essential Information for the Caregiving Journey.


Protecting New York Families Affected by Dementia.


Facilitated by trained leaders, and meeting in person; with over 14,000 Contact Hours, Facilitated by Trained and Supervised Leaders