Caregiver Champions | 2020 Newsletter - Vol. 2

Christian Doucette, Director of Community Engagement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are You a Champion of Caregiving? Welcome to the Club! We’ve dedicated the cover of this newsletter to a new program at CaringKind that we’re calling “Caregiver Champions.” Our cover features the first 100 Champions who are included in the Class of 2021. Caregiver Champions are individuals who support the work of CaringKind by way of caregiving, advocacy, and o [...]

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Feature | 2020 Newsletter - Vol. 2

CaringKind and Coronavirus: Supporting Our Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic As we continue to encounter this unprecedented time of COVID-19 together, we at CaringKind want you to know that you are not alone. CaringKind is on the front line of the COVID-19 crisis and has taken steps to protect our staff and volunteers while we serve our clients, among the city’s most vulnerable adults. Our New York City community is faced with fear and isolation as the restrictions due to the pandemic per [...]

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Support Groups | 2020 Newsletter - Vol. 2

Dasha Kiper Consulting Clinical Supervisor, Support Groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Like so many programs at CaringKind, support groups had to shift from meeting in person (as they have for over 30 years) to meeting virtually on Zoom or over the phone. Support group leaders accepted this change graciously, but, of course, there were concerns. Would clients feel supported without the comfort of their leaders and their fellow members nearb [...]

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Dear Helpline | 2020 Newsletter - Vol. 2

Stephanie Aragon Director of Helpline -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helpline - Supporting Caregivers Through COVID-19 and Beyond Many caregivers, like you, are facing a constant struggle to both care for their family and work from home during this pandemic. What used to be a quick call to learn about the programs and services CaringKind offers is now an intense call that requires creative thinking to help solve the complex issues that have su [...]

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President's Message | 2020 Newsletter - Vol. 2

Eleonora Tornatore-Mikesh President & CEO -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Reader, Greetings from NYC, and thanks for the warm welcome back! As I look out of my new office window I see a different NYC today. I see a city that is quiet and sleepy;  ironic for a place that is known as “the city that never sleeps.” COVID-19 has changed our city and our world, but here at CaringKind, even though so much has changed, our mission remains the same. [...]

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Trusted Information, Referrals and Support. Reliable information from Dementia experts.


Essential Information for the Caregiving Journey.


Protecting New York Families Affected by Dementia.


Facilitated by trained leaders, and meeting in person; with over 14,000 Contact Hours, Facilitated by Trained and Supervised Leaders