Interview with Dr. Richard Isaacson | Winter 2017 Newsletter

Richard S. Isaacson, M.D., serves as Director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic, Weill Cornell Memory Disorders Program, and Director of the Neurology Residency Training Program at Weill Cornell Medicine/NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Isaacson specializes in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) risk reduction and treatment, mild cognitive impairment due to AD and pre-clinical AD. His research focuses on nutrition and the implementation of dietary and lifestyle interventions for AD management. This [...]

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Dear Helpline | Winter 2017 Newsletter

By Stephanie Aragon, Director of Helpline -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "My mother died recently and I was her caregiver during the six years that she had Alzheimer’s disease. I phoned the Helpline many times over the years to ask for assistance. Now that I am no longer an active caregiver I plan to make a donation specifying that the money go to the Helpline so that other caregivers can benefit the way I have. How will my contribution be use [...]

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Program Evaluation | Winter 2017 Newsletter

The Importance of "Doing Your Homework" By Edward Cisek, Vice President of Program Evaluation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you make an important purchase - a car, for example - chances are you do some research. You’ll probably check the car’s performance, fuel efficiency, and safety ratings, and perhaps you’ll read other drivers’ reviews. You trust that the car company has a good system in place to test the car and make improvements a [...]

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Know Your Charity | Winter 2017 Newsletter

The Well-Spent Dollar By Daniel Kurtz & Shveta Kakar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do you know which charities to donate to? Charitable giving, which in the old days used to be directed by word-of-mouth recommendations and donations to your local church, is now a much more challenging minefield. Charities are increasingly involved in awareness campaigns, there are complex networks of cause marketing, and social media has changed the lands [...]

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From the Program Director | Winter 2017 Newsletter

Dear Readers, As local options for Alzheimer’s care and support increase, we are proud that we remain New York City’s most trusted source of information, education, support and guidance that we have always been for over 30 years. In December, we celebrated one year of returning to our roots as an independent 501(c)(3) charitable organization, incorporated in New York State, serving New Yorkers. We have deep roots in this city we love. Our program staff, including our 18 licensed social workers [...]

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