Wellness Wednesday
Finding a balance while caregiving can be challenging. If we care for ourselves while supporting the person with dementia, we can find renewed sources of energy and hope. CaringKind invites you to join us as we explore self care on Wellness Wednesday's.
View our Recorded Sessions:
January 13, 2021
Wednesday, January 13
Three online sessions in English, Spanish, and Chinese (Mandarin).
Cuidadando al Cuidador, en español 12:00 pm
Presentador: Jaime Ortega
En este taller aprenderemos herramientas que nos permitan aligerar el peso de hacernos cargo del cuidado de un ser querido con demencia. Subrayando la importancia de dar atención a uno mismo, exploraremos simples prácticas de relajación y manejo del estrés que nos proporcionen un alivio y espacio personal.
Jaime Ortega es un Terapeuta Somático, con más de 30 años de experiencia explorando una amplia gama de prácticas corporales y de movimiento.
Chair Yoga and Meditation, in English 1:00pm
Presenter: Carol Mager
Chair yoga is a beneficial as mat yoga for those who find it challenging to get up from the floor. We will be doing movements that are chair based, as well as standing postures, with an emphasis on stress management. I encourage students to recognize when they are feeling stress in their bodies and give suggestions as to how to release stress. We will close with breathing and meditation.
Carol Mager has been practicing Yoga since 1970. Carol trained at the Integral Yoga Institute. She has been certified to teach Hatha Yoga with Jeff Migdow, MD, and to teach Chair Yoga and Stress Management at Integral Yoga Institute with Swarmi Rabinanda.
Standing Meditation & Tai Chi, in Chinese (Mandarin) 3:00pm
Presenter: Viviane Chen
課程簡介: 陳老師將解說太極基礎的站樁功及⽣活化的秘訣;並分
享幾個簡單太極動作。通過正確站姿和動作指導,結合呼吸意念合⼀的練習,經歷身⼼ 平衡狀態下所開啟的自癒能⼒. 陳老師目前提供網上的私⼈和團體課.
Viviane Chen 陳老師師從於多位世界⼀流太極、氣功⼤師,並跟隨西藏⼤師措尼仁波 切研習⼼性與禪修,在太極拳, ⽂化與靈修領域有多年的教育經驗。“ 教育更新報”
(Education Update Newspaper)於 2017 年授予陳老師傑出教育家獎。她致⼒專研身⼼ 整合之道,意願與更多開放、充滿智慧、慈悲和平和的⼼靈共同修⾏,保持健康的身體,因為這些都是實現美好⼈⽣的關鍵。