Jed A. Levine
President & CEO

Over the past forty years, while much has changed in the world of Alzheimer’s and dementia care, CaringKind has been steadfast in our mission and our commitment to excellence. We believe that individuals and families facing a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or a related dementia deserve the highest standard of support. Our fundamental approach is to let each client’s unique situation inform a personal care plan. This supports a positive outcome in the short term. Then, over the longer term, as the disease progresses and takes a greater toll, we support our clients’ needs through the end of life and bereavement. Our clients and their families rely on us for many years.
As cognition declines, persons with dementia lose the ability to process thoughts, express themselves, understand written and verbal communication, exhibit good judgement, and regulate their emotions. As these changes occur, families face devastating loss. Eventually, a person with dementia loses the ability to function independently, to plan, to do tasks as simple as making a cup of tea or putting on a sock. For family members facing this emotional roller coaster of dementia care, CaringKind provides stability based in education and information, the keystones of our work. The more our clients know, the better prepared they are to solve the problems of today and to deal with the challenges ahead.
But with a disease this distinctly human, an equally human response is necessary. We recognize the emotional consequences of caregiving. Simply giving information is not enough. Our social workers have the experience and sensitivity to perceive when and how to deliver information to family members. To achieve this, we must be available in person or on the phone whenever a healing, comforting voice is needed — to guide a support group and train support group leaders; to welcome clients to family caregiver and home health aide training; to enroll individuals in CaringKind’s MedicAlert® Wanderer’s Safety Program, and to work with our NYPD partners when our clients wander and are lost.
We demand an equal level of excellence in our community partners, including those in the research community working diligently to expedite the development of effective therapies. In addition to our research partner Cure Alzheimer’s Fund, we are proud to collaborate with Columbia University’s Taub Center, NYU Langone Medical Center, Mount Sinai Medical Center, and Montefiore Medical Center, with whom we collaborate on presenting the Annual Comprehensive Approach to Dementia Symposium for over two decades. Most recently we were delighted to be awarded a sub-contract on an NIA grant, Engagement in Longevity Medicine (ELM), granted to NYU Langone Medical Center. As part of this team we are spreading a message about the importance of engaging older adults in research on aging, dementia, and healthy living.
Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the many prestigious foundation grants we have received over the last year thanks to the outstanding efforts of our SVP of Development, Carol Berne. We are gratified by the confidence placed in us by these foundations. They have recognized our work and our commitment to excellence with their ongoing support.
In the new decade, we will continue to achieve our mission with a strong commitment to excellence. We will bring our gold standard of care and over forty years of experience to New York City’s diverse communities. We will translate our proven resources into diverse languages and cultural traditions, ensuring that our message reaches those who need our help. We hope that by the end of this decade — or sooner — we will have effective therapies, but in the interim, we remain committed to serve all who need us.
In closing, our great thanks to those who supported our 2019 Year-End Campaign. Your contributions are material recognition of your trust in us to deliver the very best care at the highest standard of excellence. For that, and for supporting our work, I thank you and wish you a wonderful start to the new decade.