Technology has made life easier and more efficient for New Yorkers in many ways. As CaringKind’s new President and CEO, with more than thirty years of experience providing dementia care, I know that there is one job that requires the human touch: dementia caregiving.
While we are proud of our investments in technology, we know that every individual and family affected by a dementia diagnosis has unique challenges that require personal attention. My team is committed to providing world class programs and services delivered by caring professionals. Professionals who listen to your concerns, meet with you in person, and help you develop a care plan that addresses your individual needs. CaringKind is the only organization in New York City providing comprehensive, personalized systems of support.
Our expert counselors connect you to social work services, support groups, training and education programs, MedicAlert® NYC Wanderers’ Safety Program and our community partners. All our caregiver services are free of charge and delivered by trained professionals who have the experience, knowledge, patience, empathy and resources to solve your short-term problem and develop a long-term plan.
CaringKind clients confirm the impact of your support through the human touch they receive on their first call. “Thank you for listening. I’m so glad I made this call. I only wish I had made it sooner.” Many of our clients have been calling for more than a decade, getting personal counseling at every stage of the disease. Our clients tell us, “I no longer feel isolated and frightened by what’s ahead. I know I’m not alone.”
By reaching and surpassing our one-million-dollar goal we will grow our programs and ensure that every New Yorker has access to the care they need. I am proud to take this moment to share the highlights from 2018:
- We responded to 10,000 calls on our 24-hour Helpline, the gateway to our services. Our social workers had more than 3,000 counseling sessions advising clients on dealing with the challenges of today while ensuring that they have a plan for tomorrow.
- We welcomed over 1,200 clients to our Education Seminars, on topics ranging from legal and financial planning to the selection of long-term care resources.
- We trained 500 family and professional caregivers, whose difficult jobs were made easier with their new skills and resources.
- We registered an additional 1,400 people with dementia to the 29,000 already in our CaringKind MedicAlert® NYC Wanderers’ Safety Program, saving lives every day.
- We have 80 support groups, each facilitated by a trained leader, and meeting in person; many meet weekly.
- We trained docents and staff at 18 of NYC’s top cultural institutions, making their outstanding resources accessible for our clients and their families.
Whether you have been personally helped by CaringKind or know someone who has, today we need you more than ever. Approximately 95 percent of CaringKind’s support is privately funded. With your tax-deductible contribution, we can ensure that you and your family will have the benefit of our human touch when you need it most.
On behalf of the clients we serve, I wish you a peaceful and productive new year.
Thank you.
Jed A. Levine
President & CEO

P.S. If you need to reach us for any reason, including making a stock donation, please call 646-744-2900.