China Press 6 20 2022 僑報 China Press - 失智症家庭出席双亲节活动分享疫期挑战 6-20-2022.pdf 596 KB download-circle [...]
China Press 6 20 2022 僑報 China Press - 失智症家庭出席双亲节活动分享疫期挑战 6-20-2022.pdf 596 KB download-circle [...]
China Press 1 1 2022 僑報 China Press - 阿兹海默症护理一書發佈 1-1-2022.pdf 369 KB download-circle [...]
A group of elderly people sit on folding chairs, gazing upon a painting of a golden Buddha sitting in smiling repose. They listen as a museum docent tells the life story of Siddhartha Gautauma, and his journey from sheltered prince to radical ascetic. After the docent recounts the splendor and decadence within the walls of the palace of Siddhartha’s father, he poses a rhetorical question to the crowd: “So what would you do if your life was like the first half of the Buddha’s––that is, if you had [...]
阿茲海默症關愛服務15日宣布,2022步行籌款活動將陸續在布碌崙和曼哈頓展開。 華人在阿茲海默症病患群體中的人數近年來不斷增長。為增進社區對該疾病的重視,並為阿茲海默症患者及其照顧者提供更好的免費服務,阿茲海默症關愛服務(CaringKind)15日宣布,將於9月25日、10月23日分別於布碌崙和曼哈頓舉辦兩場步行籌款活動,鼓勵社區愛心人士的積極參與。 作為紐約市每年最大的阿茲海默症步行籌款活動,阿茲海默症關愛服務至今已延續這一活動近四十年。今年的首場活動將於9月25日在布碌崙康尼島浮板步道(Coney Island Boardwalk)西15街啟動,9時起報到,10時儀式開始,到11時正式開步走;另一場活動則將於10月23日在曼哈頓中央公園納木堡貝形露天舞台(Naumburg Bandshell,66街與72街間)啟動,10時起報到,11時儀式開始,到12時正式開步走。 阿茲海默症關愛服務步行籌款 康尼島中央公園25日起相繼啟動華人在阿茲海默症病患群體中的人數近年來不斷增長。為增進社區對該疾病的重視,並為阿茲海默症患者及其照顧者提供更好的免費服務,阿茲海默症關愛服務(Carin [...]
Following two additional recognitions this year, the Innovations in Alzheimer’s Caregiving Award and Crain’s Nonprofit Notable, CaringKind is proud of Doucette for his achievements in raising awareness about Alzheimer’s caregiving. NEW YORK, NEW YORK – The American Marketing Association (AMA) Nonprofit Marketer of the Year Award honors extraordinary leadership and achievement in the field of nonprofit marketing. To be considered, nominees must be currently employed at a nonprofit organization wi [...]
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