Carol Berne
Senior Vice President of Development
Our Campaign runs through February 28th and we are well within reach of our one-million-dollar goal. For those who contributed, thank you! If you still have our envelope on your desk, you can still take a minute and send that check along.
A notable highlight of the Year-End Campaign was a generous donation of $25,000 from Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS (BC/EFA). During the BC/EFA fall fundraising campaign, the company of HELLO DOLLY, including our great friend and supporter, David Hyde Pierce and his co-star, Bette Midler, raised over half a million dollars.
To honor David and the cast of HELLO DOLLY for their outstanding fundraising efforts, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS made a donation to David’s favorite NYC charity, CaringKind. David himself then generously matched this gift for a total contribution of $50,000. We could not be prouder or more grateful!
Many of this year’s campaign contributions arrived with handwritten personal notes. “Thank you for the great work of CaringKind. You are the gift,” cites one. For many of our clients, we have been with them from the initial diagnosis to discussions of hospice and end of life care. I can think of no other organization that has made the investment in supporting dementia caregivers.
As we enter our third year as CaringKind, it is increasingly evident that we made the right decision to focus on care and support. Our caregiver programs and services, most free of charge, remain a lifeline for families affected by a dementia diagnosis. In the absence of a cure, the best course of treatment remains good care, and that is what we have provided to New Yorkers for over thirty years.
While we hope for a cure, and we all do so, we can transform the life of a caregiver, and make their day a little brighter knowing that they are providing the best care possible to an individual with dementia, while finding the way that works best for them, to care for themselves.
Please continue to support CaringKind generously. We have numerous ways to do so that are described on this page as well as throughout this newsletter. And I am happy to speak with you about making a gift.
Please call me at 646-744-2905, or email me at cberne@caringkindnyc.org.
Thank you.
Ways to Give
Giving by Check
Please make checks payable to CaringKind and mail to:
360 Lexington Avenue, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10017
Online/Credit Card
Click here to Donate or call 646-744-2908 or 2927. We
accept MasterCard, Visa, and American Express.
Appreciated Securities
Gifts such as stocks or bonds may offer substantial tax advantages. Please speak to your tax advisor. Click here to learn more.
Click here to learn more.
By remembering CaringKind in your will, you can have a significant impact on improving the quality of care for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Your bequest may have estate tax planning benefits as well. The following is sample bequest language for discussion with your attorney:
I, _____________ (first and last name, city, state, zip), give, devise and bequeath to CaringKind (or Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, New York City, Inc.) with offices located at 360 Lexington Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, New York 10017, (insert written amount of gift, percentage of the estate, or residuary of estate, or description of property) to be used for (insert “its unrestricted use” or name of CaringKind program).
Life Insurance and Retirement Plans
Click here to learn more.
CaringKind can be named a beneficiary of your retirement plan or insurance policy.
Donor Advised Funds
Click here to learn more.
If you have established a donor advised fund through another organization (e.g., community foundation, investment firm) you may recommend the award of a grant to CaringKind. Please check the guidelines pertaining to your donor advised fund.
Corporate Giving
Click here to learn more.
Payroll deductions, matching gifts, and event sponsorships are ways to support CaringKind.
100% of your donation supports New York City individuals and families affected by an Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis.