Support Our Growth in 2019

Carol Berne
Senior Vice President of Development
Now marking the fourth year of our transition to CaringKind, we continue to build much-needed awareness and funds for our essential programs and services to help families affected by dementia. Our Year-End Campaign, launched in November 2018, has raised over $600,000 to date from 613 individuals and families. With the campaign ending on February 28th, we anticipate reaching close to $700,000. These funds will help ensure our programs remain free of charge for all those in need. Thank you to each one of you!
With many charitable organizations focused on Alzheimer’s and dementia, all competing for the same charitable dollars, we are honored to be recognized by two of New York City’s leading foundations with significant multi-year support. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation is funding the expansion of our connect2culture program. We aim to broaden the diversity and reach of our cultural partners, ensuring that our clients have access to the richness of the arts, closer to where they live. And over the next three years, we will be training administrative staff and artists from Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation and The New York Pops, bringing the joy of music and dance to individuals with dementia and their caregivers.
Support from the William Randolph Hearst Foundation will provide training to hundreds of home care workers to be skilled in good dementia care, at a time when there could not be greater need. Our Dementia Care Training for Professional Caregivers is evidence-based, incorporates adult learning, and has a nationwide reputation. Graduates are employed by home care agencies, nursing homes or assisted living facilities, or work independently and register at our job-matching site, which matches our graduates with families seeking aides with expertise in dementia care.
In closing, I would like to thank our friends who have included CaringKind in their estate or financial plans. If you have already left us in your will, or are planning to do so, please be sure the name is listed as CaringKind, or our corporate name of more than 40 years, Alzheimers Disease and Related Disorders, New York City Inc. We are located at 360 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor, New York, New York 10017. Our Tax ID is 13-3277408.
As always, please contact me if you have any questions, would like to support a program or service that has been especially meaningful to you, or recognize a staff member for the help they gave.
I can be reached at 646-744-2905 or With 98% of our operating budget raised by private philanthropic support, your gifts ensure that we are here for you or someone you know, providing the gold standard of dementia care, today and tomorrow.