The Year in Review

Ed Cisek
Chief Program Officer and
Vice President of Program Evaluation
2018 was an exciting year for caregiver education at CaringKind.
- In March, we learned about how faith and spirituality can provide comfort to people with dementia and their caregivers at our annual Keeping Faith in Mind conference.
- In April, over 200 family and professional caregivers learned about the latest caregiving innovations at our second annual Technology and Caregiving Fair.
- Also in April, our Loraine Halis Lecture on the Arts and Science of Caregiving took us into one artist’s perspective on dementia. The video recording is available on our website.
- Our Annual Meeting, held in October, focused on the role of nutrition and sleep on brain health. Check our website for a recording of this too.
- In December, we partnered with the NYU Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Family Support Program to present 3 special topics: respite, support groups, and enhancing communication with people with dementia.**
It was also a busy year for our “standards,” like the Understanding Dementia and Legal and Financial seminars. In fact, we welcomed over 1,200 people from NYC and beyond to 130 meetings! These meetings were offered in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Cantonese.
Our Monthly Monday Night meetings continue to be a hit. Our 2018 schedule featured diverse topics such as: Lewy Body and frontotemporal dementias, meaningful activities, communication, care planning, and Music & Memory®.
Thanks to feedback from our attendees, we know that we deliver quality as well as quantity. For example, surveys from two of our most common meetings indicate that 98% of caregivers were satisfied (see the graph below).
While continuing our regularly scheduled meetings, we’re excited about upcoming meetings in 2019.
Our 2019 Loraine Halis Lecture on the Arts and Sciences of Caregiving will feature Dr. Tia Powell, a leading bioethicist and psychiatrist, who, in her latest book Dementia Reimagined, calls for a true appreciation of providing care, as no sign of a cure is in sight.
Together with NYU, we plan to offer presentations on adult day care and respite, the role of music in dementia caregiving, and more.
And, for all our tech-savvy clients, our third annual Technology and Caregiving Fair will take place on April 29. Stay tuned for more details!
Please be sure to check the Education and Events calendar in each issue for the latest offerings. And, most people hear about our meetings by word of mouth, so please spread the word!