Palliative Care for People with Dementia

Senior Vice President of Development
As you have read throughout this newsletter, we have launched! Our new public name, CaringKind, The Heart of Alzheimer’s Caregiving, reflects the important role that we play in the lives of caregivers and persons with dementia, coupled with the more than 30 years of expertise in the field of dementia care.
How has the philanthropic community responded to our independence? I can say with great pride that we have received resounding support and endorsement from individuals, foundations, and corporations. A perfect example is our Year-End Campaign, which achieved a record-breaking $1 million, surpassing last year’s total by 66%. Over 1,030 individuals, many of whom are our clients, with gifts large and small showed their support by either making a first-time gift or significantly increasing their prior level of support. Our donors have particularly appreciated that 100% of their donation now stays in New York City, supporting our local community. We thank you.
As more and more individuals and families are affected by a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, the need for our services will only grow. We remain the only organization in NYC singularly focused on dementia care and support. During this time of transition, as we build awareness for CaringKind, we ask you to continue to lend support — become a CaringKind Founder, annual donor, supporter of our annual Walk, corporate partner, or a participant in an Athletes to End Alzheimer’s (ATEA) event. Our caregiver programs and services are free of charge because of you.

We are now starting our Spring Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Campaign, a special time to recognize and honor a loved one or someone dear to you. Please see this year’s poignant letter written by Laurel Crosby, President of our Junior Committee, on the following page. Thank you again for your commitment to our work. Please contact me directly if you wish to make a gift or have any questions.