We are proud to announce strategic partnerships with the LEAD Coalition and Cure Alzheimer's Fund to promote advocacy and research.

A special luncheon, hosted by CaringKind Board Emeritus Heath McLendon was held at the River Club on January 5, to celebrate CaringKind's partnership with the Cure Alzheimer's Fund.
Front row, from left: Cure Alzheimer's Fund CEO Tim Armour and Lou-Ellen Barkan
Back row, from left: Heath McLendon, Cure Alzheimer's Fund Vice President Sally Rosenfield, Cure Alzheimer's Fund Chairman of the Board Jeff Morby, Cure Alzheimer's Fund Board member Jacqueline Morby, Jed A. Levine and CaringKind Board Co-Chair John Latham.
Cure Alzheimer's Fund is a nonprofit organization dedicated to funding research with the highest probability of preventing, slowing or reversing Alzheimer's disease through venture-based philanthropy. Since its founding, Cure Alzheimer’s Fund has contributed more than $38 million to research, and its funded initiatives have been responsible for several key breakthroughs. Fully 100% of funds raised go directly to research — the Board of Directors covers all overhead expenses. Cure Alzheimer’s Fund supports some of the best scientific minds in Alzheimer’s research who work at premier research institutions across the country and regularly confer with one another on progress and impediments in their research and constantly share their data.

Leaders Engaged on Alzheimer’s Disease (LEAD) is a diverse and growing national coalition of 82 member organizations including patient advocacy and voluntary health nonprofits, philanthropies and foundations, trade and professional associations, academic research and clinical institutions, home and residential care providers, and biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. LEAD is co-convened by USAgainstAlzheimer’s and Volunteers of America. The coalition works collaboratively to focus the nation’s strategic attention on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias and to accelerate transformational progress in care and support to enrich quality of life, detection and diagnosis, and research leading to prevention, effective treatment and eventual cure.