I recently read about your name change and disaffiliation from the National Alzheimer's Association. I am a bit concerned and hope you can explain how this will affect those of us who depend on your organization for assistance and education. I attend a support group at the office at 360 Lexington Avenue, which I find extremely helpful. Will you be moving your office or changing your programs?
Rest assured that only our name has changed. Our mission to focus on care and support for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias and their families will never change. You can still reach us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in 200 languages. Our new Helpline number is: 646-744-2900. This is the only number you need to connect with New York City’s dementia experts. Our Helpline Specialists can provide you with the most up-to-date information, education, and support. We’re here for you. All of our programs and services will continue without interruption!
We continue to offer the Understanding Dementia Seminar, our introductory seminar that provides information about Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, several times a month throughout each of the five boroughs in NYC. During this seminar, caregivers also learn about what resources and services are available to help them cope with present challenges and future planning.

Our Medicaid Home Care Seminar is still held once a month, led by an attorney who provides information for caregivers to be better able to complete the application and move through the process independently.
Call our 24-hour Helpline to ask what new topic we are discussing at our Monthly Educational Meeting, held on the second Monday evening of every month, as the topic varies from month to month.
Our Dementia Care Trainers are actively recruiting participants for both family and professional trainings. Our Family Caregiver Workshop is a ten-hour series that focuses on a person-centered care approach designed to improve the quality of life for both the caregiver and the person with dementia in a supportive and nonjudgmental environment. This training is offered at a variety of times in order to accommodate the diverse schedules of caregivers throughout the city. There is also availability for our nationally recognized Dementia Care Training for Professional Caregivers. Through this professional training, we continue to empower direct care workers to provide the highest quality of care to persons with dementia.
We also offer the Moving Your Relative to a Nursing Home Seminar once a month, providing an overview on long-term care options and the steps involved in moving a person with dementia to a nursing home.
To register for any of the our free programs or to receive more information about the services we offer, please feel free to call our 24-hour Helpline at 646-744-2900.
You can also call us for emotional support as often as you need. We know that living with Alzheimer’s can be overwhelming at times. Remember, we are here for you — all day, every day.