CaringKind’s 3rd Annual Technology and Caregiving Fair

Ed Cisek
Chief Program Officer and
Vice President of Program Evaluation
A Virtual Senior Center. An incontinence pad that detects urinary tract infections. The capability to monitor your family member’s activity with your smart phone. These were just a few of the products on display at CaringKind’s 3rd annual Technology and Caregiving Fair held on April 29th at our office. We welcomed over 200 caregivers, healthcare professionals, and others interested in caregiving technology and meeting the minds behind those products.
The purposes of the fair, which was co-produced by Aging2.0 NYC, were to bring awareness to caregiving products and offer an opportunity for the public to provide valuable feedback to the 28 participating companies that are working hard to improve them. Both vendors and attendees continue to find this fair a invaluable opportunity and looking forward to joining us next year!
For a complete list of participating companies and products, please visit