The Journey of Dementia Caregiving

Serene Nie
Social Work Supervisor
The usual journey of dementia caregiving is not short, and it is filled with an incredible amount of uncertainty. How are we to anticipate the next step of our journey?
Social Work Services at CaringKind helps caregivers through their journeys and assists in identifying and choosing different care options.
When Marc first came to CaringKind, he was torn between his caregiving role and his career in Florida. His mother was in the middle stage of dementia and his father was too exhausted to manage her care. Marc eventually put his career on hold and relocated to New York. Marc soon came to realize just how much he had to learn about caregiving. It was a difficult situation. His father did not see the need for extra help; his mother resists the care; he needed to start Medicaid planning to pay for the long term care. Marc was overwhelmed, overworked, and had no social outlet or respite.
Caregivers ride a roller coaster of emotions while caregiving. They doubt their ability to adequately care for the person with dementia and ask themselves all kinds of questions like, “Am I doing the right thing?” “How much is too much?” “Where do I begin?” “What else should I be doing?” Marc was no different.
From Marc’s first call onward, he was reminded that CaringKind is part of the team. No one should walk this journey alone! Meeting with a social worker has so many benefits for the caregiver and person with Alzheimer’s or dementia. Our professionally trained social workers help caregivers process what is happening and begin to make sense of the confusion and loss. A few sessions may be required to develop a care plan. Like most caregivers, Marc was hesitant to open up about his situation and stress. But in the end, Marc came to value this opportunity. After his care consultation session with a social worker, he was filled with hope and tools that enabled him to take better care of his mom and himself.
Through his care consultation sessions with a social worker, Marc found support in our education meetings, support groups, and in the family caregiver workshop trainings. He finally felt confident enough to care for his mom. And, he knows that if he needs anything at all, he knows CaringKind is a phone call away.
There is an ancient Chinese saying taken from a war strategy, “知己知彼” which translates to “know yourself and know your enemy.” To provide the gold standard of care for you and the person with Alzheimer’s you need education and support. You need to understand yourself, this terrible disease, and the plans you need to put in place.
We want to be a part of your journey. We are on your team. Feel free to give us a ring at 646-744-2900.