Foundation Support Makes CaringKind’s Work Possible

Carol Berne
Senior Vice President of Development
In keeping with the theme of this issue, “Good Care is the Best Medicine,” it seems only fitting that we should highlight the foundations that supported us this fiscal year since their generosity made many of our caregiver programs possible. We are proud to share that CaringKind received over one million dollars in foundation grants in fiscal year 2019, which ended on June 30th. This significant support is a reflection of CaringKind’s fine reputation in the philanthropic community, and to the growing importance of care in the Alzheimer’s spectrum.
Among our major supporters we welcomed The Sephardic Home for the Aged Foundation. With their very generous grant we are addressing the needs of the Jewish community by formalizing and expanding our caregiver programs and services especially to Orthodox Jewish families affected by dementia, initially in Brooklyn. For this project we draw on our lengthy experience in developing services for underserved and diverse communities, including the African-American, Latino, and Chinese communities, and building on longstanding relationships within the Orthodox community.
Adina Segal, LMSW, has filled the new position of Orthodox Jewish Outreach Social Worker. Adina brings a wealth of experience in working with dementia caregivers as well as extensive knowledge of the Orthodox Jewish community. She will serve as the key link between the Orthodox community and CaringKind, and help ensure that caregivers feel comfortable expressing their concerns and receiving the support they need.
We are pleased to partner with both the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc. and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, who together, are supporting the expansion of free caregiver programs and services to Bronx Latino caregivers affected by dementia. The Bronx is the poorest county in New York City and State and is the least healthy county in the State with the highest Medicaid population of all five boroughs. Hispanics are one and one-half times more likely to have Alzheimer’s than older whites, and they face considerable cultural, linguistic, and socioeconomic barriers that limit their ability to access Alzheimer’s caregiver support services.
In the next issue I will continue to focus on some of our foundation donors who have provided us with a source of revenue to grow and expand our caregiver programs, so that we can continue to better serve all New Yorkers who need our help.
Ways to Give

Giving by Check
Please make checks payable to CaringKind and mail to: 360 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10017
Online/Credit Card
[Click here](/give) to Donate online or call 646-744-2900. We accept MasterCard, Visa, and American Express.
Giving by Check
Please make checks payable to CaringKind and mail to: 360 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor New York, NY 10017
Appreciated Securities
Gifts such as stocks or bonds may offer substantial tax advantages. Please speak to your tax advisor.
By remembering CaringKind in your will, you can have a significant impact on improving the quality of care for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease. Your bequest may have estate tax planning benefits as well.
Donor Advised Funds
If you have established a donor advised fund through another organization (e.g., community foundation, investment firm) you may recommend the award of a grant to CaringKind. Check the guidelines pertaining to your donor advised fund.
Life Insurance and Retirement Plans
CaringKind can be named a beneficiary of your retirement plan or insurance policy.
Corporate Giving
Payroll deductions, matching gifts, and event sponsorships are ways to support CaringKind.
Monthly Giving
By giving to CaringKind each month, you’ll join a community committed to providing the gold standard of dementia care for all New Yorkers.

Tribute Gifts and Campaigns
Honor a loved one, or someone special in your life, or give back for the help that you received by a caring professional at CaringKind.100% of your donation supports New York City individuals and families affected by an Alzheimer’s or dementia diagnosis.
CaringKind is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Tax ID number 13-3277408) and your gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.